What 2024’s Data Told Us About How Developers Work Now

Standardizing infrastructure and improving devex are top platform engineering team tasks

2024 saw The New Stack report on a variety of survey-based research about software development.  Several takeaways are included below, but please read the complete article here.

  • Not all companies are leaving the cloud.
  • Personal job security is stronger than would be expected based on developers’ generalized anxiety. However, developer salaries and wages have been constrained.

Platform Engineering and Developer Platforms

  • Platform engineers are focused on infrastructure provisioning, which can be problematic because of the diversity of platforms being managed.
  • Even though self-service increases productivity for developer teams, too many platform teams are failing to collect and demonstrate metrics of success.

AI and Developers

  • Time savings and increased productivity, not code quality, are why developers are using AI.
  • Led by younger, inexperienced developers, AI tools have rapidly been adopted for use within the development process.
  • GitHub Copilot did not experience mass adoption.

Open Source

  • Paid maintainers keep code safer.
  • Maintainers worry about contributions from AI and unknown developers