What’s Ahead for AI-Assisted Coding, Open Source and More

AI-assisted development will challenge developers as they review the quality of the code generated and integrate tools into their workflows. Many of the 17 experts who answered this question expressed concern that an increase in AI-generated code actually increases developers’ workload because it requires manual review. Several experts worry that inexperienced developers won’t be able to identify when AI spits out bad code. Security and trust were other challenges cited.

What 2024’s Data Told Us About How Developers Work Now

Time savings and increased productivity, not code quality, are why developers are using AI. Among developers who regularly use an AI tool for coding and other development-related activities, 85% say these types of tools make them perform their job faster than before. Much of the time savings are incremental, but 46% said they saved at least two hours a week due to these tools. In contrast, only 23% say these tools actually improve the quality of the code and solutions being created.