Solana Blockchain Crashes into Open Source Top 10
Solana’s push towards community may be paying off as it had more developers participating than the other Web3 projects.
Transforming Information Into Knowledge
Solana’s push towards community may be paying off as it had more developers participating than the other Web3 projects.
The blockchain bubble has burst and now it looks like AIOps (IT operations aided by artificial intelligence) may be the next buzz word to become overplayed.
Pornography was the killer app Web 1.0 and now it has its tawdry reputation and not-safe-for-work (NSFW) content to the ICO world many real blockchain use cases. This article weeds out the scams from the true players to present a landscape of today’s adult entertainment […]
Is crowdsourced funding supposed to be democratic? Should decentralized economies have equitable governance? In an ideal world, the answers may be yes, but in reality democracy is rare even in the crypto world. Instead, the current state of affairs for token economies is oligarchy. The […]
Beware of blockchain projects that brag about the size of their social media following. In the blink of an eye they might disappear. That’s what happened this week when Twitter removed fake followers from its statistics. Specifically, they removed “locked accounts” that were not bots […]
The blockchain and cryptocurrency world provides quantifiable proof that open source can both help and hurt a project’s likelihood of financial success, according to Early Evidence on the Role of Disclosure in the Unregulated Crypto Market, which quantifies the success of 776 initial coin offerings (ICOs) […]
Once your token or cryptocurrency has launched, your next goal is to get listed on one or more exchanges. But which exchanges? If your reflexive answer is “as many as possible”, think again. Hugo Benedetti of Boston College has data that indicates cross-listing tokens on multiple exchanges can […]
Information about token launches is not regulated, but the professionalization of the ICO process — also know as token generation events (TGEs) — has led to several practices that are predictive of success. Early Evidence on the Role of Disclosure in the Unregulated Crypto Market […]
This morning we woke up reading about a “new” Gartner survey that demonstrates enterprise demand for blockchain is over-hyped. Crypto skeptics may eat up the headlines, but in reality enterprises continue to demonstrate strong and probably increasing interest in blockchain and distributed ledger technology. About That Press […]
Even in a decentralized world geography matters. In the crypto space, many countries are over-represented as compared to the larger economy. Although the United States continues to lead by several metrics, the countries of the former Eastern Bloc have begun to rival what was once […]
Crypto evangelists can be proud of the 63,782 websites worldwide that accept bitcoin. Crypto haters may counter that only 176 of the top 10,000 sites accept bitcoin. No matter if you see the glass as half full or half empty, data from SimilarTech has something for […]
Russia matters to the ICO (initial coin offering) community. According to ICObench, Russia trails only the United States as the location of ICOs. Telegram matters to these ICOs, otherwise known as TGEs (token generation events). According to the Telegram Open Network (TON) white paper, as […]