Security Worries Rise as Container Adoption Increases
Infosec pros were often not consulted before container adoption occurred. Furthermore, over 40 percent of companies have delayed or limited container adoption because of security concerns.
Transforming Information Into Knowledge
Infosec pros were often not consulted before container adoption occurred. Furthermore, over 40 percent of companies have delayed or limited container adoption because of security concerns.
When it comes to open source contributions, Facebook is above par.
People claim that avoiding vendor lock-in drives cloud computing choices but don’t actually use multiple providers.
Kubernetes is increasingly the first choice among container users, with Datadog reporting its use increasing from 22.5 percent in October 2017 to 32.5 percent in October 2018.
Experience with FaaS predicts whether or not someone prefers functions. In fact, 63 percent of those with broad production FaaS implementations would standardize on functions.
Are you ready for your next elevator conversation about information security? I worked with Argyle Executive Forum to create a short survey about the security-related topics your corporate board, fellow CIOs or CISOs are facing. Your responses will inform the discussions at CIO and CISO […]
I’ve probably read over 100 reports about digital transformation over the last few years. Most had deep flaws, which I hope to have addressed in my most recent IT and Digital Transformation survey. The survey delves into how and why IT organizations are evolving to […]
With Kubecon China in the books, we have more proof that Chinese companies are a strong second to the United States in open source cloud computing.
For serverless monitoring, we found that cloud provider’s own tools were commonly used to monitor apps, with Amazon CloudWatch used by 88% of respondents with live AWS Lambda implementations.
Using LinkedIn data, we profiled 12 of the largest tech companies’ workforces to determine how many developers they deploy.
The leading hosted platforms are the big three cloud providers’ FaaS offerings. AWS Lambda has twice as many users as Azure Functions and more than three times as many as Google Cloud Functions.
“Hybrid cloud” has already reached its peak in the hype cycle, with “multicloud” being a more popular term these days. A RightScale survey in February showed that Hybrid Cloud was dropped from 58 percent to 51 percent as the dominant strategy. In a different survey from Virtustream, 86 percent said they are using a multicloud strategy.