China Uses Open Source to Deliver Cloud Services

21% of Kubernetes-certified service providers are based in China

Overall, China and the US account for more than half of all companies certified by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) to provide Kubernetes-related services and training. Specifically, 21 percent of the 71 certified service providers are from China, with a third of companies providing Kubernetes training based in China. Chinese adoption of Open Stack appears to be even stronger, as 49 percent of deployments are in Asia according to the 2018 Open Stack User Survey.

Adoption of open source has been a key component to China’s cloud story. However, we emphatically believe this is not an example of a country copying or stealing intellectual property to gain a competitive advantage. In fact, Chinese engineers are actively engaged with open source communities and have been sharing their innovation with the rest of the world. For the last four years, China has been the second leading source of contributors on GitHub.

The complete article can be found here.