Ouch, Configs Hurt CD Pipeline

Fifty-six percent of developers surveyed for DZone’s Guide to DevOps: Continuous Delivery and Automation say environment configuration and set-up is the biggest pain point in the continuous delivery (CD) pipeline. Complained about much less often (34 percent) is coordination of team members, which is likely related to immature DevOps processes. Various types of testing (e.g., user acceptance, performance) also rub people the wrong way. Efforts to promote DevOps culture are well-known, but perhaps the tech community should get back to the basics of how software is deployed. Connecting a vast array of systems together isn’t easy and often requires CLI-level work. That combined with managing a myriad of configurations of applications and deployment environments can be overwhelming. Will container orchestration help? Can incumbent config management leaders Puppet, Chef, Ansible and SaltStack compete effectively against emerging CD pipeline solutions from TNS sponsors Wercker and ThoughtWorks’ GoCD?

Originally published in The New Stack Update.