Measuring CI/CD Adoption Rates Is a Problem

many teams have continuous integration, but are less likely to have CD

Two years ago we noted that not all developers use CI/CD as “only” 42% of a Digital Ocean survey were using continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD). Despite the passage of time, many companies still do not use CI/CD, although companies with mature adoption of microservices and/or containers are almost always using CI/CD. The extent of CI/CD usage is anybody’s guess for two reasons.

First, there is no agreed-upon definition of what CI/CD is. When mabl surveyed 500 software testers, 53% said their team uses continuous integration, while only 38% have continuous delivery and 29% continuous deployment. Just like with DevOps, marketers are keen to define any tool that addresses an area of CI/CD as part of this market or a larger DevOps tooling segment.

The complete article can be found here.