How Important Is Open Source to AI Adoption?  

54% of ml or data science specialists utilize pytorch

How important is open source to the future of AI and LLMs? The answer depends on how you define open source in the age of AI.

Open source is viewed by 40% as “the solution” to concerns about AI ownership, while only 15% disagree with this assessment, according to the 224 UK residents surveyed for State of Open: The UK in 2023, Phase Two. In this regard, many respondents are talking about who should own the large datasets being generated by large language models (LLMs).

Indeed, Predibase’s just published “Beyond the Buzz: A Look at Large Language Models in Production” found there is a reluctance to rely on commercial LLMs in production. Based on a survey of 150 people conducted from May through July 2023, 13% of respondents say their enterprise has at least one LLM in production. Another 44% said their organization has so far only used LLM for experimentation purposes.

Among the whopping 85% of survey respondents who are using or planning to use LLMs, only 27% actually expect a commercial version to be used in production. Almost half (47%) of those with no plans to use a commercial LLM cited a desire not to share proprietary information with vendors. In comparison, only 17% said the reason is because commercial LLMs are too expensive to scale.

The complete article can be found here.