Even Open Sourcers Pay for Code Repositories

tools to manage open source code repos

What are the ramifications of managing open source code primarily through a commercial software package or service? Should your company only use one code repository? These are the questions that were asked of 480 users of code repositories participating in a survey about open source. When asked about how they manage open source code, half said they use a free, vendor-provided solution like GitHub, but 53 percent also pay for code repository software or services.

Many people also use homegrown setups, usually based git. Among those citing a homegrown system, a whopping 60 percent also cited another offering type in use. It appears that vendor solutions are often cobbled together with two or more other version control systems, some of which may be open source like Apache Subversion (SVN). The use of multiple code repos is more prevalent at large companies with over 10,000 employees. This group cited 2.6 types of code repos used as opposed to the study average of 1.4.

The complete article can be found here.