The Top Challenges Kubernetes Users Face with Deployment

security is top challenge for Kubernetes users

People face a wide range of problems when using or deploying Kubernetes. While some challenges are unique to Kubernetes, many others are typical of the growing pains seen with the adoption of many technologies.

The State of the Kubernetes Ecosystem” reported on both the importance of different criteria in picking a container orchestration solution and the major factors inhibiting the adoption of Kubernetes. Scaling was more likely to be an essential requirement for an orchestration solution compared to criteria such as security or resource optimization. Among the biggest challenges mentioned was the fact that using Kubernetes often necessitated changes in the roles or responsibilities of several parts of the IT organization.

The most recent Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) survey asked about the challenges people face in using or deploying containers in general. In our own independent analysis of the data, published in “Kubernetes Deployment & Security Patterns,” we took those answers and narrowed the focus to just organizations using Kubernetes to manage containers. This provides a way to illustrate the issues facing Kubernetes users.

The complete article can be found here.