The Cloud Makes Privacy and GDPR Easier, Not Harder

Difficulty of deploying for different privacy-related activities

Despite a lack of confidence in SaaS and PaaS applications, the cloud is an integral part of many companies’ privacy and security efforts according to a Microsoft-sponsored Ponemon Institute survey of over 1,000 IT or security professionals familiar with both protecting personal data in cloud environments and knowledgeable about their organization’s approach to privacy and legal compliance.

Sixty-two percent of this well-informed group believes privacy concerns have not stopped or slowed down adoption of cloud services, with only 35% seeing these concerns as an impediment. Not only is it not an inhibitor, 54% actually agree that security and/or privacy protections are a reason to migrate to the cloud, with 44% citing compliance with emerging data protections (e.g., California’s Consumer Privacy Act).

The complete article can be found here.