February 28, 2022February 4, 2025Snippet of The New Stack article, The New Stack Using APIs with Low-Code Tools: 9 Best Practices Low- and no-code tools can speed up software development. But how do you make sure they work with the APIs you need, and don’t create new headaches?
May 30, 2019February 5, 2025Snippet of The New Stack article, The New Stack Low-Code Platform Adoption Gets a Boost from Digital Transformation Twenty-eight percent of low-code platform users say escaping technical debt is a benefit. The theory is that low-code platforms generate less custom code that has to be reviewed at a later date.
August 15, 2017February 5, 2025Published in The New Stack Update, Snippet of The New Stack article, The New Stack Lots of Low Code Vendors Have Already Been Rejected OutSystems, Salesforce, Appian and Mendix are the low code vendors used most often by survey respondents.