More than half (56 percent) of survey respondents believe that integration of security into the entire DevOps process is either poorly done or non-existent.
Three years ago only 15 percent of websites worldwide used a valid SSL (secure socket layer) certificate authority. In April 2018 that figure has jumped to 50 percent according to W3Tech’s data. The remaining sites either don’t have a certificate or have one that is not […]
Given the shortage of information security professionals, it is concerning that only 45 percent of respondents said their job experience was meeting their expectations.
Given the shortage of information security professionals, it is concerning that only 45% of respondents said their job experience was meeting their expectations.
Information security pros may be a thorn in developers’ sides, but, in reality, they need each other, and they know it. New Relic just released results from a survey of both developers and security pros. They found much more agreement than you would think. At least 79 […]
A recent presentation by Adrian Sanabria inspired me to look at the community of information security professionals. Analyzing a community can provide insights into workforce development initiatives and for marketers’ communication to their audiences. As someone who surveys B2B technology markets, this subject is important […]