Beyond Kubernetes, Cloud-native Projects Continue to Compete
Use of OpenTelemetry and Argo soared while several big CNCF projects stagnated.
Transforming Information Into Knowledge
Since the inception of its research programs, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation has always made its research available to the public. These are some of the articles I wrote based their open data.
Use of OpenTelemetry and Argo soared while several big CNCF projects stagnated.
Istio has a big service mesh lead, but only among a segment of early adopters. A
Despite proclamations from Chief Technology Officer Werner Vogels that usage of Amazon Web Services’ Lambda usage has risen dramatically, recent surveys of Kubernetes communities have found relative declines in the adoption of the serverless service. As the number of cloud native organizations continues to […]
Pure Storage customers were facing Kubernetes challenges, so the company acquired cloud native storage startup Portworx.
Rancher’s K3s Kubernetes distribution offers SUSE rapid growth and a distinctly new set of users attracted to the ease in which it can be deployed with IoT and edge use cases.
Container adoption appears to have mitigated the growth of VMs that need to be managed. However, be wary of claims that the raw number of machines being managed will decline.
Knative’s popularity hurts installable software alternatives for serverless. Newly added to the survey, Knative is adopted by 17% of respondents that use a hosted platform or installable software for serverless. Kubeless, Apache OpenWhisk, Oracle’s Fn, and Fission all saw sharp drop-offs in adoption and community activity. Among the installable software players, only OpenFaaS maintained its popularity.
AWS is widely used by cloud-native practitioners. We expect that as serverless expands and deepens that enterprises will continue to utilize multiple clouds, with AWS usually being part of the mix.
The New Stack believes that although China’s adoption may be several months behind compared to its Western counterparts, differences also arose for two other reasons.
Chinese developers are, in general, less far along in their production deployment of containers and Kubernetes.
Public cloud providers will continue to lead, but the market will support organizations that maintain their own private clouds or on-premises data centers, running applications to whatever is the best execution environment for a given workload.
People face a wide range of problems when using or deploying Kubernetes. While some challenges are unique to Kubernetes, many others are typical of the growing pains seen with the adoption of many technologies. “The State of the Kubernetes Ecosystem” reported on both the importance […]