Bad Cloud Computing News: OpenStack Use Plummets and Discounts Dry Up
In 2021, 52% of AWS customers got a discount on AWS reserved instances, now only 36% do. In 2021, 48% of Google Cloud customers negotiated an ad hoc discount; in 2022, only 10%.
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In 2021, 52% of AWS customers got a discount on AWS reserved instances, now only 36% do. In 2021, 48% of Google Cloud customers negotiated an ad hoc discount; in 2022, only 10%.
The numbers seem too good to be true. The Google Cloud Platform is used by 49% of enterprise respondents surveyed for Flexera’s “2021 State of the Cloud Report,” up from 20% in the 2019 study. The Oracle Infrastructure Cloud similarly skyrocketed from 16% to 32%. However, […]
The average number of private clouds being used or experimented with jumped 3.9 to 4.9 in the latest study Flexera 2021 State of the Cloud Report. That’s more than the average 3.4 public clouds in the same study. Google Anthos rapidly picked up users and […]
Organizations are not using scanning as much as they could to increase container security. Although 67% use Amazon ECR, only 40% are actually using the container registry’s native capabilities to scan images.
Despite proclamations from Chief Technology Officer Werner Vogels that usage of Amazon Web Services’ Lambda usage has risen dramatically, recent surveys of Kubernetes communities have found relative declines in the adoption of the serverless service. As the number of cloud native organizations continues to […]
By one measure, it seems obvious that the migration of workloads to the public cloud has accelerated. In last year’s study, only 33% of workloads were in the public cloud, while today the figure is 57%.
In late 2019, Amazon Web Services’ Developer Advocate Michael Hausenblas surveyed 68 people who use containers on AWS. The publicly available results provide several anecdotal clues about adoption patterns among customers of the world’s largest cloud provider.
For serverless monitoring, we found that cloud provider’s own tools were commonly used to monitor apps, with Amazon CloudWatch used by 88% of respondents with live AWS Lambda implementations.
The leading hosted platforms are the big three cloud providers’ FaaS offerings. AWS Lambda has twice as many users as Azure Functions and more than three times as many as Google Cloud Functions.
AWS is widely used by cloud-native practitioners. We expect that as serverless expands and deepens that enterprises will continue to utilize multiple clouds, with AWS usually being part of the mix.
Amazon Web Services’ Lambda remains the serverless leader, but competitors have a gleam of hope in their eyes.
Among the Kubernetes evaluators who responded to our survey, nearly three respondents in four (73 percent) who use AWS storage with Kubernetes gave Amazon EC2 Container Service some consideration. The high level of consideration is mostly because of AWS’s overall Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) market share. However, very few of these people (18 percent) actually ended up using ECS.