Once a use case is actually defined, it takes 66% of organizations more than a month to develop an ML model. For 64% of organizations, it takes at least another month to deploy that model.
On average, 40% of companies said it takes more than a month to deploy an ML model into production, 28% do so in eight to 30 days, while only 14% could do so in seven days or less.
42% of respondents exclusively rely on third-party cloud providers’ hardware built to build AI/ML models, but only 12% will do so three years from now. Instead, a majority will use a combination of both on-premises and public cloud. Many companies may have gone first to cloud providers because they wanted to quickly launch AI/ML activities. These same companies may migrate to on-premises environments for specialized workloads to reduce costs as they scale-up into production or use proprietary data.
Every earnings season we realize how little is known about the competitive positions of the major cloud vendors. Instead of relying on vendor-provided information and surveys, we looked at data collected by HG Data, which utilized machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques. To some extent, the results validated surveys […]