Stream Me Up to Microservices

What is your experience with the following data stream processing technologies: Kafka, Akka Streams, Spark Streaming, Storm, Flink, Samza

JVM developers are interested in data stream processing technologies, but that “interest” is red hot if they are deploying microservices. According to Lightbend’s recent survey of JVM developers, 18 percent use Kafka in production, 13 percent use Akka Streams, and 12 percent use Spark Streaming. That is nothing compared to the numbers when looking at the sub-sample of those deploying microservices in production. Among that group, 35 percent use Akka Streams, 30 percent use Kafka and 19 percent use Spark Streaming. Big numbers, yet they may be true. Looking at the results from Stack Overflow’s 2016 Developer Survey, we found that 23 percent of Scala users also use Spark (which includes non-streaming use cases).

Originally published in The New Stack Update.