Heeb and Storahtelling teamed up to throw a great Purim party at Club Rare in New York’s Meat Market.
Several hundred Jews came to this masquerade party based on the Madonna theme of “Esther Don’t Preach”. Overall, I bet there were at least 20 people dressed up as Esther, five Mordechai costumes, 15 men dressed up as women, and 5 women dressed up as men.
If you are familiar with the party’s organizers, you know that the party attracted many “cultural Jews” and an irreverent attitude towards almost everything. Unlike some of my friends, I don’t get annoyed by this crowd.
The entertainment included StorahTelling’s Rebbetzin Hadassah Gross as the hostess, and the music of Divahn, the Klezmatics, Basya Schechter of Pharaoh’s Daughter and DJs Busquelo and Acidophilus.
On a personal note, I bent and twisted the metal of at least five groggers until they were utterly destroyed.