When Service Meshes Can Emerge from Envoy/Istio Shadows
Istio has a big service mesh lead, but only among a segment of early adopters. A
Transforming Information Into Knowledge
Istio has a big service mesh lead, but only among a segment of early adopters. A
Organizations are not using scanning as much as they could to increase container security. Although 67% use Amazon ECR, only 40% are actually using the container registry’s native capabilities to scan images.
Despite proclamations from Amazon.com Chief Technology Officer Werner Vogels that usage of Amazon Web Services’ Lambda usage has risen dramatically, recent surveys of Kubernetes communities have found relative declines in the adoption of the serverless service. As the number of cloud native organizations continues to […]
Organizations looking to add a new piece of cloud infrastructure don’t believe running workloads at the edge is an essential requirement. Nor is running individual applications across multiple clouds (“multicloud”), according to our recent Infrastructure-as-a-Service survey of tech executives.
Backend developers can now be considered as valuable, if not more, than frontend devs.
Architects usually choose the database technology used for new applications at 41% of organizations according to Percona’s “2020 Open Source Data Management Software Survey”. Developers make these decisions at 26% of organizations.
In our recent “Open Source in the Enterprise,” of the 500 respondents’ organizations utilizing an open source compliance tool or methodology, 29% affirmatively agreed that the Information Security function accesses data from the automated tools used for open source compliance. Another 37% answered “Don’t know,” indicating a dramatic lack of visibility between groups involved in the so-called DevSecOps ecosystem.
Chief Information Officers are deluding themselves if they think digital transformation via cloud native technologies such as Kubernetes is going to be easy.
Monitoring and controlling equipment is the most common IoT use case among the 90 U.S. government agencies surveyed.
As compared to AppSec professionals, developers are significantly less, to believe application security risk at their organization has increased.
The key determinant member satisfaction with an open source foundation is how often the organization is contributing upstream to open source projects.
Pure Storage customers were facing Kubernetes challenges, so the company acquired cloud native storage startup Portworx.