How the IT Landscape is Shifting to Accommodate Containers
The PaaS market is evolving quickly as vendors offer platforms to deploy containerized applications.
Transforming Information Into Knowledge
The PaaS market is evolving quickly as vendors offer platforms to deploy containerized applications.
Most companies are using data in real-time for at least some application or department.
How many times have you been disappointed in vendor-produced content? Do you contemptuously look at an analyst firm’s report thinking you know more about the subject than the author? Have you ever been embarrassed because your six-page study is clearly produced by Marketing and not actual experts? […]
This is the second of several blog posts that look at the use of analytics consultants and when consulting firms should use analytics consultants. The first article can be found here. Management consultancies like McKinsey have been rushing to get in on the analytics boom […]
This is the first of several blog posts that look at the use of analytics consultants and when consulting firms should use analytics consultants. Throughout the corporate world analytics is a necessary capability for a data-driven enterprise. But what types of analytics should be done […]
To create the first table above, data about contributors was collected using a tool called Blockspring that accessed the GitHub API to pull information about contributors to specific repositories.
In order to do justice to a recent podcast I decided to provide my commentary in two posts. The first post can be found here. As an observer of the analyst industry I took notice about what the panelists thought about the future. I agreed with […]
I just finished listening to Kea Company’s three-part podcast, The New Industry Analysts, Who Are They? Although I have already talked to several of the panelists about the subject, I still found the conversation to be compelling. Generally, Michael Coté and Phil Fersht were skeptical, yet realistic about […]
A recent presentation by Adrian Sanabria inspired me to look at the community of information security professionals. Analyzing a community can provide insights into workforce development initiatives and for marketers’ communication to their audiences. As someone who surveys B2B technology markets, this subject is important […]
It was 1997. I was an intern in the Secretary of Commerce’s office and was asked to write bullet points about the Internet that would promote administration policies to foster the ecommerce economy. I clearly remember including IT market size and impact estimates from Gartner […]
After reading my recent blog for Evolved Media, The Top Four Reasons Modern Marketers Can’t Live Without IT Research, my wife the advertising executive asked if I was talking about CMOs in general or specifically specifically about marketers at B2B tech companies. I was forced to admit that […]
Technology research is available from a spectrum of firms, both large and small. The three institutional players – Gartner, Forrester, and IDC – offer different benefits than boutique firms. Regardless of where marketers look for research, they rely upon it for 1) third-party validation, 2) leads, 3) customer insight, and 4) building trust.