Women are more successful at getting pull requests accepted than men on GitHub. That’s the conclusion reported in an academic paper, Gender Differences and Bias in Open Source: Pull Request Acceptance of Women Versus Men. By comparing GitHub email addresses with self-reported gender on Google+, researchers found […]
In software, there are few oldies but goodies. Yet, perhaps we shouldn’t accuse developers of ageism. Sonatype’s 2016 Software Supply Chain report looked at 1,000 repository managers and the components they manage. Components more than two years old account for over 53 percent of the software parts development […]
Amazon Web Services continues to be the 800-lb gorilla in the public cloud space, with 41 percent of container users saying they deploy containers most frequently to AWS. Among this group, only a quarter say AWS EC2 Container Service (ECS) is the method of container deployment used most often. […]
Two-thirds of container users say they deploy most frequently on either AWS or internal data centers. For AWS, Docker Swarm and Kubernetes vie with ECS to be the preferred orchestration tool. Docker doesn’t do as well for on premises container deployment. Internally developed tools are used […]
As the number of nodes or machines managing containers in production increases, so does the need for container orchestration tools. As the size of deployments increase, tooling decisions become more important. As we wrote about last week, Kubernetes and HashiCorp see the largest uptick in use as deployment scales increase. […]
Information security pros may be a thorn in developers’ sides, but, in reality, they need each other, and they know it. New Relic just released the results from a survey of both developers and security pros. They found much more agreement than you would think. At least 79 percent of […]