Knative Crowds out Other Serverless Software (and Other CNCF Survey Takeaways)

Serverless usage rose from 37% to 46% in 2019

Thanks to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) making its survey data available, we are following-up on several lines of inquiry from a recent article about cloud native tech adoption. Here are a few quick takeaways.

First off:

  1. Envoy and Istio are deployed together. Although Envoy is far behind the leader for Kubernetes ingress (19% vs. 62% for NGINX), that changes among the 18% of the study that uses Istio in production as a service mesh. Among this group, almost half (47%) use Envoy for Kubernetes ingress. Looked at another way, 39% of those using Envoy for Kubernetes ingress also have production deployment of Istio.
  2. Knative’s popularity hurts installable software alternatives for serverless. Newly added to the survey, Knative is adopted by 17% of respondents that use a hosted platform or installable software for serverless. Kubeless, Apache OpenWhisk, Oracle’s Fn, and Fission all saw sharp drop-offs in adoption and community activity. Among the installable software players, only OpenFaaS maintained its popularity.

The complete article can be found here.