Solving Serverless and Tracing Is Key to Success in Observability
Using logs, metrics, and traces together is part of the definition of “observability,” according to 83% of the nearly 1,000 respondents to’s annual DevOps Pulse study.
Transforming Information Into Knowledge
Using logs, metrics, and traces together is part of the definition of “observability,” according to 83% of the nearly 1,000 respondents to’s annual DevOps Pulse study.
Efficiencies achieved because of SaaS and open-source-reliant infrastructure have been redirected to innovative software projects.
The effort needed to provide an API is significant, with 63% of the over 10,000 people surveyed for the “2019 Postman State of the API Report” spending at least 10 hours a week working on APIs.
On average, 40% of companies said it takes more than a month to deploy an ML model into production, 28% do so in eight to 30 days, while only 14% could do so in seven days or less.
Given their funding and support of many large-scale, widely-depended-upon projects, it is not surprising that 34% of the study is not concerned with major tech players’ level of involvement in open source.
Nation-state sponsored cyberattacks are far more common than most people think, according to a recently-released report commissioned by CrowdStrike. The stats are attention-grabbing and so is the study’s sponsor. Overall, nation-states are threats, but CrowdStrike is overstating the threat.
A few quick takes on GitHub’s annual report includes insights on non-U.S. contributions, developers supporting dependencies and the number of private repos.
The biggest benefit of being a good open source citizen is how it can help transform how a company operates, from technology adoption and licensing practices, to policies, recruiting and hiring.
The nearly 3,000 technical professionals and executives surveyed for the “2019 State of DevOps Report” believe these steps positively impact a company’s security posture. Yet, adding “security” to testing and deployment also increases friction between security and developer teams.
Open source lags behind proprietary software in reliable support and availability of consulting services.
Using open source software is commonplace, with only a minority of companies preferring a proprietary-first software policy. Proponents of free and open source software (FOSS) have moved to the next phases of open source adoption, widening FOSS usage within the enterprise as well as gaining […]
Measuring CI/CD adoption is difficult for many reasons, but one of them is the choice between all-in-one bundled software or best-of-breed tooling.