Lanna and Nancella at a Heebster Purim party

A Heebster Purim

Fun, fun, fun, Judaism is cool! What other religion tells you to get drunk, so drunk you can’t tell the difference between Haman (bad guy) and Mordechai (good guy)? In honor of Purim, Nancella, Scott, and I went to American Schmidol at the Bowery Ballroom. […]

Pillow fight in Union Square

Pillow Fight

Do you have childhood memories of a pillow fight? Do you like to engage in public activities others steer away from? If so, then you should have been at the pillow fight in Union Square this Saturday. Newmindspace organized this event as interactive public art. […]

Subway Security

Starting off the fall lecture season, tonight’s public forum was definitely an example of “deliberative democracy”, as the host Brian Lehrer put it. At least four people were removed from the audience for exercising their First Amendment right to scream, mostly about the trampling of the Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable searches.