Node.js and JVM developers deploy containers differently than everyone else. Or at least that is what you would think looking at the results of two new 1,000+ respondent surveys.
A RisingStack survey shows only 5 percent of Node.js developers use Docker to “run” containers, although most of this group apparently use Docker-format containers. A Lightbend survey shows Scala developers betting on Docker Swarm for orchestration.
Both studies indicate that AWS is the leading choice to deploy containers in the public cloud. Developers probably have a bias towards Docker and Amazon Container Services, but as containers move into production IT operations and DevOps will have a strong say in which technologies are picked. As organizational thinking moves from general technology to specific products — Docker to Docker Cloud, Kubernetes to CoreOS Tectonic, Mesos/Marathon to Mesosphere DC/OS — surveys may paint a different picture.
The complete article can be found here.